Frequently Asked Questions
What is meant by 'Expected progress'?
At Ely College we aim to ensure that pupils make at least expected progress in all their subjects between the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) and the end of Key Stage 4 (Year 11).
Traditionally, expected progress has been based on the principle that pupils achieving a level 4 in English or in mathematics by the end of KS2 should, for example, be expected to achieve at least a C/4 grade GCSE in that subject.
From 2016 the measure of ‘expected progress’ is calculated based upon how all students who achieved a particular level at Key Stage 2 do nationally, and how your child does in comparison to this.
What does the new Key Stage 2 scoring mean?
Detail about what the new KS2 scoring means can be found here.
How will I know my child is making progress over a year?
Over the course of the year you will receive 3 tracking reports for your child that clearly indicate if they are making progress. For Year 7 this will be shown by students being tracked with a ‘P’ mark (making expected progress) or a ‘P+’ mark (making better than expected progress).
For Years 8-11 the progress they are making is linked to the student’s minimum target grade.
How will my child be set?
At Ely College we use an array of information including Key Stage 2 scores, baseline tests, internal assessments and teacher judgement to arrange the teaching groups in each subject.
Throughout the year, progress will be monitored and where appropriate, students may be moved sets. You will be informed if/when a move is made and we always encourage you to contact the subject or curriculum leader should you be unsure about why your child is in the class or set that they are.
When will my child be assessed?
There are 3 tracking points throughout the year that can be viewed on the Assessment Calendar below. Teachers base these reports on a range of different ongoing assessment.
At each tracking point, student progress will be reviewed and academic mentoring meetings held to ensure that expected progress is being made, or identify suitable support/strategies.
Key Stage 4: Year 9, 10 and 11
How much progress should my child make between year 6 and year 11?
Old government guidelines state that students should make 3 full levels of progress over five years. This equates to:
- Level 3 at the end of Year 6 → Minimum expected Grade D (Grade 3)
- Level 4 at the end of Year 6 → Minimum Expected Grade C (Grade 4/5)
- Level 5 at the end of Year 6 → Minimum Expected Grade B (Grade 5/6)
- Level 6 at the end of Year 6 → Minimum expected Grade A (Grade 7)
- The new system of measuring progress is linked to the national progress of students from KS2 to KS4. Overall this measure is called Progress 8 and more information on this can be found here.
How do you set the minimum target grades?
We always aim to set targets that are aspirational but achievable. We also emphasise that a target is the minimum we expect students to aim for, not a ceiling on their achievement.
We use a range of information about your child to set these targets, and keep them under review as your child progresses through Key Stage 4 (Years 9-11). Usually they reflect at least the ‘expected progress’ that your child should make from their different starting points when compared to similar children nationally. However, we will also review our own assessments of their progress since joining the school, or other contextually important information to set the right goals.
What grades should my child be aiming for?
This depends on their previous attainment. For college courses, training or apprenticeships students should always check the individual requirements. However, a lot of 16-19 educational establishments require a particular number of GCSEs at grade C/5 and above. For example, many academic or ‘A’ level programmes of study require at least five GCSEs at grade C/5 or above including English and mathematics. Particular grades may also be required in subject areas that your child wishes to study post 16, and 16-19 providers will usually publish these requirements on their websites and in their prospectuses.
Appropriate Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) will be provided throughout Key Stage 4 to help guide students and parents through this process.
I’m not sure that my child’s minimum target grade is right or appropriate. What should I do?
If you feel that a target your child has been set is inappropriate, we encourage you to discuss this with the Senior Tutor for your child’s house.
Key Stage 5: Year 12 and 13
How are targets for sixth form set?
Students who meet the entry criteria for the sixth form will be set targets based on their GCSE performance. However, teachers can adjust them upwards if necessary.
What progress should my child be making in the 6th form?
Students will be assessed internally and externally throughout the course and should be aiming to achieve their target grade at the very least. They will complete school assessments throughout their courses and will have regular one to one conversations with their teachers and tutors to ensure that they are on target in all subjects.