Level 2 Sport and Activity Leader course, have a think around and research of, completing some tasks:
Health and safety in activities and delivery, including risk assessments. (You have to produce a number of these independent for your sessions.) Develop a risk assessment template (Complete for a field space, sports Hall
What is: Whole, Whole Part Whole and Part Practices. (You have to use these as strategies to coach.)
What are the key roles, responsibility and skills/qualities of leaders and how are these applied?
Inclusive: how do you make activities inclusive for all? Useful sites: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandhealth/disability-strategies.html https://www.ukcoaching.org/courses/workshops/inclusive-activity-programme
Use google to find 1 or 2 examples of session plans for sport sessions and download these.
Create own session plans for two activities of your choice.
Watch clips on YouTube of effective leaders.
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