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Bishop Laney Sixth Form

Student Financial Support Bursaries Offer

More detailed information can be found in the annual bursaries documentation which can be found at the bottom of this page. 

16 – 19 Bursary Fund (Government Funded)

There are two types of 16 to 19 Bursary

  • Vulnerable Student Bursary
  • Discretionary Bursary


  • Aged at least 16 and under 19 on 31 August in the year in which your course starts
  • Meet the residency requirements (the College will check this)

Vulnerable Student Bursary

These are available for students who

  • are in or recently left local authority care
  • get Income Support or Universal Credit in their own name
  • get Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in their own name and either Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit
  • get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in their name and either ESA or Universal Credit


Discretionary Student Bursary


These are available for students who need help to overcome the individual barriers to participation they face, for example, help with the cost of transport, meals, books and equipment. Support for travel and subsistence related to Work Experience and Work Shadowing placements; as is support to fund the cost of trips, off site activities, and attendance at Careers Fairs, University or Employer Open Days etc.

Discretionary bursaries may be paid either in funds, transferred to a bank account or by the provision of equipment, passes, books etc. It is expected that at least a portion of a discretionary bursary will be paid to a student, to help meet the costs associated with study.

There are two criteria:


  • A student who is eligible to receive Free School Meals. In this case, applications should be made for Free School Meals and Free Transport.  The 16-19 Bursary is not expected to cover the cost of transport or meals in these circumstances.


  • A young person whose household income is below £23,000 per year. In support of the application, a copy of entitlement to means tested state benefit, Tax Credit award notice or Universal Credit award notice confirming household income of less than £23,000 or equivalent self-employment income.


Professional Pathways Maintenance Allowance 


To support young people from less-advantaged backgrounds into high-quality local apprenticeships or Higher Education by helping them to overcome the individual barriers to participation they face, for example, help with the cost of transport, meals, books and equipment. 


Each student in receipt of an award will receive a total of: £200 to support employability programmes including the provision of business mentoring, £400 to provide technology to support learning and 9 monthly payments totalling £900 to support costs associated with their study, e.g. the cost of transport, meals, books and equipment. As part of the application, students should indicate how they intend to use this part of the award. 

Essential Qualifying Criteria: 

  1. To be, at the time of application, attending a school within the City of Ely or to have been resident within the City of Ely for at least two years at the time of application. 
  1. To be in receipt of the Pupil Premium during your secondary education or to become eligible for free school meals during your sixth form study.

Awarding Criteria: 

Awards will be made to the 10 highest scoring students using the following points-based criteria, received on completed, signed application forms by the published deadline. 

Please note that this award is provided by the Needhams Foundation.

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