Our Careers Programme at Ely College
We are committed to ensuring careers education is embedded within the curriculum, right from the start of Year 7, and that at all stages students are encouraged to consider their future aspirations. At our school we understand that careers and next steps information is critical for students when they come to making the best possible decisions and future career choices.
Our aim is to make sure that every student achieves their full potential.
We have a dedicated team of knowledgeable and experienced professionals who can help, support and teach students about the choices available:
Our Careers Team
KJ Norton-Berry - Careers Leader KNorton-Berry@elycollege.co.uk
Christina Emmess - Careers Leader CEmmess@elycollege.co.uk
Lisa Lambo-Hills - Careers Coordinator and Advisor LLambo-Hills@elycollege.co.uk
Rachael Mustill - Post-16 applications RMustill@elycollege.co.uk
Stuart Patman - Post-18 applications Office@bishoplaney.org
Our Career team is supported by a serving Academy Councillor, Jonathan Tole, who can be contacted by e-mailing through the Principal’s PA: BSaddington@elycollege.co.uk
We are here to support you with a wealth of information and resources. Please click on these buttons to explore more:
Our school is part of Meridian Trust and we work collaboratively with other schools in the Trust to offer a website which has been developed for parents and carers:
Meridian Career Pathways
We know, from research, that students ask their parents first about careers, qualifications, what it is like in the workplace and what they should study. The educational and qualification landscape has changed dramatically over recent years. This website has been designed to help parents with ‘Activities’, ‘Conversation Starters’ and ‘useful websites’ and is designed to offer help and support at every stage of a student’s journey through a Meridian Trust school.
Policies and further information
Please click HERE to see an overview of our KS3, 4 and 5 careers programme for all year groups.
The Careers Strategy for our school can be found: Careers Strategy 2023-2024
- You can view the Meridian Trust CEIAG Policy: HERE
- You can view our school ‘Provider Access Policy’, which by law we have to put on our website, Provider Access Statement.
All students have to continue in education or training until the end of the academic year in which they are 18. This does not mean young people must stay in school. They will able to choose from:
- full-time education (eg at a school or college)
- an apprenticeship
- part-time education or training combined with one of the following:
- employment or self-employment for 20 hours or more a week
- volunteering for 20 hours or more a week.
More information on choices and how parents can help their children can be found on the Meridian Career Pathways website Years 10 and 11 and Years 12 and 13.
Measuring the Impact
The careers programme at our school is monitored annually and this evaluation includes:
- A review of destination data as an outcome of the careers programme.
- A review of the programme against the Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure best practice.
- A review of data from Unifrog that feeds into the Gatsby Benchmarks.
- A review of the Future Skills Questionnaire which students take in years 7 and 10
Labour Market Information
We have to include, on our website, information on the labour market (LMI) both locally and nationally. A key component of our careers provision is providing information to students on how to look at labour market information, interpret the data and recognise professions, industries and jobs which are both in demand or in decline. We teach, within our Career’s programme, LMI, and analyse entry routes, salaries, skills and qualifications needed for a variety of roles, jobs and careers.
LMI- Labour Market Information - for Cambridge and Peterborough can be found HERE and for the national trends click on Meridian Career Pathways website HERE
Useful Links
www.parentalguidance.org.uk - Advice for parents from the Careers Writers Association
https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk – Main website for the National Careers Service, with links to job profiles, CV writing and other careers information
www.apprenticeships.org.uk – The main National Apprenticeship website where students can register and apply for apprenticeship vacancies in their chosen occupation
www.careersbox.co.uk – Contains a range of films documenting different careers, employment and training paths
www.ucas.com – Universities and Colleges Admissions Service giving information for those who would like to go to university, covering everything you need to know including how and when to apply
www.notgoingtouni.co.uk – Information for those who would prefer an apprenticeship, distance learning or employment with training, rather than university when they leave college
www.jobcentrejobs.co.uk - to find your local Jobcentre Office