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Bishop Laney Sixth Form

A Level Art and Photography


Students wishing to continue Art or Photography at A level should now begin creating a body of artist research.

  • Produce several pages of research on a chosen Artist/Photographer including as much biographical detail as you can find. Print out images of their work and analyse it from your own point of view and what you have discovered about it. Produce copies of some of their work and then produce a larger scale piece of your own work in the style of your artist.
  • Repeat this process with 3 more different Artist/Photographers.

Your work can be on individual sheets of any size paper or in a sketchbook of any size.

This work will be used as a springboard for your own ideas when you commence the A level course in September and will allow you to work in the style you wish so choose your artists carefully. Avoid over simplified and highly stylised artists and ensure you are able to show off your best skills.

If you complete this and still want to prepare further for your A level course spend time producing high quality observational studies inspired by your artist’s working in whatever materials you have access to but ideally a variety.

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