* Please see UPDATE below *
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have just received notification that Ely College will receive our long-awaited OFSTED inspection on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th June.
Attached is a notification letter and a guide to the inspection process for parents. We would be very grateful if as many of you as possible would complete the survey linked in the letter this evening or tomorrow morning please.
The survey link can also be reached here: https://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/
Please note that the Year 9 parents’ evening and the geography field trips will go ahead as planned.
We are looking forward to this process, and approach it with great confidence. The students need no ‘preparation’, but we would obviously be grateful if you could underline to them the importance of demonstrating their usual high standards over the next two days.
Best wishes,
Richard Spencer
UPDATE - 13/06/2019
Dear Parents and carers,
I’m writing to thank you all for your support during our recent OFSTED inspection. More than 200 of you contributed responses to ‘Parent View’, and we were delighted that more than 95% of you registered a very positive impression of the work of the college.
The inspection team fed back their judgements to school leaders last night. The process of writing and quality-assuring the report will now commence. This can take a few weeks, during which time the outcome remains provisional and confidential. We will notify you as soon as the report is published and can be shared.
For now, I will simply say that I am immensely proud of all the staff, the students and the wider college community. We are all looking forward to a very positive and busy end to the school year, with more exciting plans for further improvements in 2019/20!
Best wishes,
Richard Spencer