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Ely College

Ely College

English as an Additional Language

Bonjour!  Olá!  ¡Hola!  Buongiorno!  Guten Tag!  Привет!  Sveiki!  Hujambo!  Dzień dobry!  Helló!  Ahoj! Hej! Hallo!  வணக்கம் হ্যালো  こんにちは  Γεια σας  שלום مرح ب नमस्ते خوشสวัสดี

Ely College provides support for all students who speak English as an additional language (EAL).

All newly arrived EAL students are given an initial assessment on their level of English fluency. This will help us decide the type of support that they will be given. This involves a thorough discussion with the student of their prior knowledge and experience and an assessment of their speaking, reading, listening and writing skills in English and – if possible - in their first language.

If needed, EAL learners are provided with additional literacy sessions for one period a week until no longer required. These induction sessions are linked to the curriculum. Newly arrived students are usually given additional help in learning English with a specialist teacher or by a bilingual classroom assistant.

EAL strategies and students’ profiles are disseminated to Heads of Year, tutors and subject teachers.

Advice and support on resources and strategies is given to teachers in all curriculum areas to ensure that all EAL learners can access the curriculum.

Mrs Bates runs lunchtime EAL drop-in sessions and EAL Homework Club on Mondays. These are open to all EAL students and take place in the Youth Team meeting room. Time: Monday 1.30 - 1.55 pm and 3.05 – 4.00 pm

Exam arrangements/entitlements

In public exams, students may be entitled to extra time, be supported by a reader or a scribe or have access to a bilingual dictionary.

Students who are fluent in their first language are encouraged to take the GCSE exam for their language (if available) in the summer term. This can sometimes be taken in Year 10 as well as in Year 11.

Ely College can offer past papers, support materials, advice and pay for the entry fees.

Most of the work towards these exams is done independently by the students with the support of their parents.

Mrs Bates runs the Polish GCSE club preparing students for their Polish GCSE exam.

For further EAL information/support, please contact Mrs. Bates on: or leave a message at Reception.