Please find below Parent Correspondence from 2022 - 2023
- Uniform - sanction informationPDF File
- CHVS-Summer-2023PDF File
- FAQs-for-Parents-CCC-Summer-2023PDF File
- Sports Day - arrangements - July 2023PDF File
- Annual Activity SurveyPDF File
- Dog MentorPDF File
- PTFA - Sports Day - July 2023PDF File
- Uniform donations - July 2023PDF File
- Yr 11 - final remindersPDF File
- Strike Action - 5th and 7th July 2023PDF File
- Yr 10 WEX reminderPDF File
- Yr 6 roadshows - 2023PDF File
- Change to Yr 6 induction daysPDF File
- Year 10 Students, Parents & Carer EmailsDOCX File
- Long Road Open Evening July 2023 (1)PNG File
- Uniform letter - June 2023PDF File
- AC election update - June 2023PDF File
- Coffee and a ChatPDF File
- FSM application form 2023-24PDF File
- FSM A4 posterPDF File
- Parent Forum reminder - June 2023PDF File
- Poster - Open Events at Parkside SixthPDF File
- Uniform letter - Summer term 2PDF File
- Yr 8 EnglishPDF File
- Yr 10 mock letter - June 2023PDF File
- Oakes College Open Evening - Year 10 PC LetterPDF File
- Oakes College - Summer Open Evening 2023 PosterPDF File
- Long Road Open Evening July 2023 (1)PNG File
- Year 10 Students, Parents & Carer EmailDOCX File
- Booking live emailPDF File
- Year 10 Taster Day 2023PDF File
- 15484 G's-Fresh_Open Farm Sunday_A5PDF File
- Invitation to Open Events at Parkside SixthPDF File
- LtYear13SummerTermPDF File
- LtPUCASFair3May2023PDF File
- LtYear12SummerTermPDF File
- Ely College Recipe BookPDF File
- Yr 11 Prom 2023PDF File
- Yr 7 Games DayPDF File
- Netball and Football tournamentsPDF File
- Yr 11 Masterclasses - May 2023PDF File
- Bag2School - reminderPDF File
- EMHP Ely newsletter - SecondaryPDF File
- PCIC letterPDF File
- Etheldreda Senior TutorPDF File
- Yr 6 transition to Yr 7 - Ely CollegePDF File
- Instrumental lessons - incoming Yr 7s - Sept 2023PDF File
- Yr 8 Work Shadowing - June 2023PDF File
- Yr 7 MTT event - May 2023PDF File
- Supporting Your Child 2023PDF File
- Meridian Trust East Hubs ShowcasePDF File
- Academy Council parent vacancy - April 2023PDF File
- Notification of plans for 27th April and 2nd May - NEU strikePDF File
- Spring concert 2023PDF File
- Bingo raffle donationsPDF File
- CCC Safer Schools Newsletter - April 2023PDF File
- Yr 10 Maths set changePDF File
- Yr 10 parents' evening - April 2023PDF File
- Bag2SchoolPDF File
- CHVS-Easter-2023PDF File
- FAQs-for-Parents-CCC-April-2023PDF File
- Skills Showcase - final updatePDF File
- Notification of plans for 15th and 16th March - NEU strikePDF File
- NCW Day 5 PosterPDF File
- NCW Day 4 PosterPDF File
- Skills Showcase - ticketsPDF File
- PTFA Bingo eveningPDF File
- Social Work posterPDF File
- Yr 11 updates - March 2023PDF File
- Parent Guide Tik TokPDF File
- NCW Day 3 PosterPDF File
- NCW Day 2 PosterPDF File
- NCW Day 1 PosterPDF File
- One-way systemPDF File
- History - Hub day - March 2023PDF File
- Parent Forum reminder - March 2023PDF File
- Ely Schools Music 20th March 23PDF File
- Yr 11 Mock Interview Application Form 2023PDF File
- Yr 11 mock interviews - student guidance notesPDF File
- Yr 11 mock interview dayPDF File
- Ely Schools Music 23rd March 23PDF File
- Art - Hub day - March 2023PDF File
- World book day - QR codePDF File
- Easter HAF Parent LetterPDF File
- Easter HAF PosterPDF File
- Yr 8 MTT evening - March 2023PDF File
- World book day - 2nd March 2023PDF File
- VolunteersPDF File
- March Whats OnPDF File
- Notification of plans for 1st March 2023 - NEU strikePDF File
- Science Fair - March 2023PDF File
- SEND Transformation Parent EventPDF File
- January newsletter 2023PDF File
- CCC Safer Schools Newsletter -February 2023PDF File
- Access to FSM on 1st February 2023PDF File
- Spring mock letterPDF File
- Uniform surveyPDF File
- Yr 9 parents' evening - Feb 2023PDF File
- Notification of plans for 1st Feb 2023 - NEU strikePDF File
- Yr 11 EngineeringPDF File
- Bus transport arrangements for 24th Jan 2023PDF File
- College arrangements for 24th Jan 2023PDF File
- ECA - Apprenticeship Fair - Feb 2023PDF File
- Catch up Letter January ClinicsPDF File
- WEX parents' evening - Feb 2023PDF File
- 12 Hours of Sport - March 2023PDF File
- NEU Strike ActionPDF File
- Mrs BurkePDF File
- Holiday rowing taster courses - Feb and Easter 2023PDF File
- Yr 8 Guided ChoicesPDF File
- Mountain Warehouse ELY COLLEGE EVENT JAN 2023PDF File
- Northampton Saints rugby offer - Jan 2023PDF File
- Letter to Parents - Immunisations DTPM - Jan23 - EE143404 Ely CollegePDF File
- Yr 11 parents' evening - Jan 2023PDF File
- LSOH raffle donationsPDF File
- Yr 11 - Eng mock grades forecastPDF File
- Consultation BLSF capacity letter - Dec 2022PDF File
- Spring term 2023 updatePDF File
- Charities day - further informationPDF File
- Silent AuctionPDF File
- CHVS-Christmas-22PDF File
- FAQs-for-Parents-CCC-ChristmasPDF File
- Looking after yourself in the holidays- Dec '22 flyerPDF File
- Scarlet Fever FactsheetPDF File
- Scarlet FeverPDF File
- Santa's Xmas Toy Bank Donors + sponsorPDF File
- Christmas lunch 2022PDF File
- LtParentsEvening13Dec2022PDF File
- Care Home carols permission letterPDF File
- Nine Lessons & Carols - whole school letterPDF File
- Yr 7 Ely Cathedral tripPDF File
- Nine Lessons and CarolsPDF File
- Rugby taster dayPDF File
- Charities Day - Dec 2022PDF File
- Christmas Market - final detailsPDF File
- Rugby letterPDF File
- Italy ski trip - 2024PDF File
- Dorset walk letter 2023 - Ely CollegePDF File
- Christmas HAF Parent LetterPDF File
- Little Shop Of Horrors - ticketsPDF File
- Donations request letterPDF File
- Remembrance Day donationsPDF File
- Parent Forum reminder - Nov 2022PDF File
- PE - period 5 changing - confirmationPDF File
- 221019 Stagecoach_parentscoms_Oct22 CCCPDF File
- 221013 Parent Letter - Autumn 2022PDF File
- Yr 9, 10, 11 Science revision guidesPDF File
- Iceland trip - swimming pool letterPDF File
- Careers Fair - Nov 2022PDF File
- Cadbury's World tripPDF File
- Yr.8 Hamilton Trip Letter - additional ticketsPDF File
- CHVS-OctoberPDF File
- FAQs-for-Parents-CCC-OctoberPDF File
- Yr 11 Mocks - Nov 2022PDF File
- PE - period 5 changingPDF File
- Yr 8 Hamilton trip letterPDF File
- October Wellbeing Talks - SleepPDF File
- DT revision guidesPDF File
- Window Wanderland 2022 Press ReleasePDF File
- Yr 10 and 11 Eng revision booksPDF File
- Uniform donationsPDF File
- HelloYellow - Young MindsPDF File
- Yr 8 - Insight Discover letterPDF File
- PP for Year 11 Progression Eve 22PDF File
- Ely Music CentrePDF File
- Ely Training Music CentrePDF File
- PTFA - EasyFundraisingPDF File
- Yr 7 feedback letterPDF File
- Yr 11 progression evening letter - 2022PDF File
- Comms Letter for Secondary SchoolsPDF File
- motiv8PDF File
- Attendance Matters - Sept 2022PDF File
- Free School Meals informationPDF File
- Art explorers poster 22-09 (2)PDF File
- Financial Planning Flyer instagram (1) (2)JPG File
- Ely Hero Awards letterPDF File
- DofE expedition - Oct 2022PDF File
- PTFA - Yr 7 pancake breakfast - updatePDF File
- Bank HolidayPDF File
- Yr 7 MTT eveningPDF File
- Letter to Parents - Immunisations HPV1 - Nov22 - EE143404 Ely CollegePDF File
- Yr 6 roadshows - 2022PDF File
- A Level PhotographyPDF File
- Yr 9 GCSE ArtPDF File
- PTFA - Yr 7 pancake breakfastPDF File