Thanks to colleagues, parents and students who made the ICT trip to Bletchley park a successful day. Students enjoyed their interactions with various WW2 artefacts and cipher interception to unravel Hitler’s WW2 plans.
As we toured the rather vast site capturing detailed historical facts, students, especially KS3 students were on their best behaviour. The excitement, enthusiasm and positive demeanour were maintained throughout the trip, and several students said they would be looking forward to another visit to Bletchley Park.
It was also lovely to receive positive messages from parents regarding their children’s experiences at Bletchley Park and we will plan another educational visit to Bletchley Park and other Computer Science places of interest in the near future.
We look forward to seeing students’ experiences at Bletchley Park contribute towards their growing passion for Computer Science and other subjects. As follow up to the trip we would like to encourage more students (especially girls) to develop more interest in Computer Science by attending the Computing Club on Mondays after school in NG7.
Mrs Adegoke