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Ely College

Ely College

We’d like to encourage everyone to do their ‘big shop’ at Tescos for the next few weeks and to put the blue token into the box dedicated to Ely College!

We were thrilled to have been offered this opportunity which, could, result in either £4,000, £2,000 or £1,000 being awarded to us and our PE Dept project to “get students rowing” working in conjunction with the Isle of Ely Rowing Club.

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Ely College calls out for votes to bag a share of Tesco’s bag fund

Ely College P.E department is bidding to bag a massive cash boost from the Tesco Bags of Help initiative.

Tesco teamed up with Groundwork to launch its community funding scheme, which sees grants of £4,000, £2,000 and £1,000 raised from carrier bag sales in Tesco stores awarded to local community projects.

Three groups in every Tesco region have been shortlisted to receive the cash award and shoppers are being invited to head along to Tesco stores to vote for who they think should take away the top grant.

Ely College is one of the groups on the shortlist.

They hope to run a project that aims to offer a more varied approach to physical activity within the school setting, with a greater links and focus around local sports clubs in order to ensure clear pathways for progression and retention into clubs.

Jason Coe, Curriculum Lead in Physical Education at Ely College said “The project will focus on Rowing and will aim to engage a greater number of students taking part in this unique physical activity. Ely, with the Great River Ouse running through it, has a history that we are keen to become a part of and we are looking to launch our own competitive youth team in collaboration with the well-established Ely Rowing Club.”

Voting is open in all Tesco stores throughout March and April. Customers will cast their vote using a token given to them at the check-out in store each time they shop.

Tesco’s Bags of Help project has already delivered over £43 million to more than 10,000 projects up and down the UK. Tesco customers get the chance to vote for three different groups every time they shop. Every other month, when votes are collected, three groups in each of Tesco’s regions will be awarded funding.

Alec Brown, Head of Community at Tesco, said: “We are absolutely delighted to open the voting for March and April. There are some fantastic projects on the shortlists and we can’t wait to see these come to life in hundreds of communities.”

Groundwork’s National Chief Executive, Graham Duxbury, said: “We’ve been thrilled to see the diversity of projects that have applied for funding, ranging from outdoor classrooms, sports facilities, community gardens, play areas and everything in between.

“We’re looking forward to learning the results of the customer vote and then supporting each group to bring their project to life.”

Funding is available to community groups and charities looking to fund local projects that bring benefits to communities. Anyone can nominate a project and organisations can apply online. To find out more visit